Why Water Polo?
Water polo is a fast-paced and physically demanding sport that is played in a swimming pool. It combines elements of swimming, basketball, soccer, and wrestling, and requires players to be in excellent physical condition.
There are some great swimming clubs in Kelowna like the Ogopogo Summer Swim Club, Kelowna Dolphin’s Artistic Swim club and the Aquajets winter speed swimming club. These are great ways to get in the water but we believe Water Polo can offer unique opportunities for athletes wanting to try something new!
Water polo is a team sport that requires players to work together and communicate effectively in order to succeed. It also requires a high level of skill and athleticism, as players must swim, pass, and shoot the ball while also trying to defend against their opponents. Also, if you are a summer swimmer looking to get some extra hours in the pool during the winter then joining your local water polo club will help to increase your speed, stamina and skill in the water.
If you or your kids have already done some swimming lessons in Kelowna or elsewhere and you are looking for a new challenge in the water then water polo has a lot to offer. Although swimming is important water polo is not all about swimming speed. Strength, tactics and teamworks are all equally important! In water polo the team plays together and shares those wins and losses together!
So before you decide on whether to sign your kids or yourself up for the next round of swim lessons in Kelowna . We can answer any questions queries or concerns you have about water polo and hopefully this will help you find the best fit for your kids to have fun in the water!
Parents love watching water polo
Our community members and parents love water polo because it is an exciting and intense spectator sport. The fast-paced action and physical nature of the game make it exciting to watch, and the water adds an extra element of excitement and drama to the game. Whether you are a player or a spectator, water polo is a thrilling and rewarding sport to be a part of.
What do kids think of water polo?
Watch the video above to get a flavour of what a water polo practice looks like. The Titans Water Polo club is one Canada's biggest clubs here you see the kids in action as well as some great explanations of why water polo is worth a try!
Some water polo facts:
Eggbeater kick: you aren’t allowed to touch the bottom of the pool during a game of water polo so the eggbeater kick allows you to hold your head & shoulders above the water so you can play and pass the ball.
The team: water polo is a full-contact team sport which sets it apart from other aquatic sports like speed swimming or artistic swimming. Each team consists of 7 players, 6 field players and one goalkeeper.
Catching & Passing: for field players you can only catch and pass the ball with one hand. This is can be a really tricky (but fun) skill to develop. When you shoot at goal you can only shoot with one hand.
Shot clock: just like basketball there are two clocks used in the game. The shot clock in water polo gives players on the offensive team 35 seconds to shoot the ball at which point a goal is scored or the shot clock can be reset.
Swimming strokes: in water polo just like in the speed swimming that kids will learn with Ogopogo or Aquajets swim lessons there are lots of different types of stroke. Water polo has its own. There is the well known head up front crawl but we have our own versions of backstroke and there is even the spider stroke but that is one for the coaches to explain!
What should I wear when playing water polo?
When kids start playing water polo then for boys some racing trunks (either the long or speed style ones) will work well. You an see from the photo below that young male players wear a mix of different styles of racing trunks.

The Estevan Sharks Bantam Water Polo Team playing at provincials in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Estevan is a community club and has the opportunity to play in competitions in Regina, Estevan, Weyburn and Saskatoon. Full Article: Estevan Mercury
For female players a fully body one-piece racing swimsuit is the best thing to wear. You can see in the image below that it is the colour of the cap not the colour of the swimsuit that really matters when you are playing the game of water polo.

The team above is a mixed team of Regina Water Polo Armada and Estevan Sharks Players that Saskatchewan fielded in the National Competition League. This photo was taken in Winnipeg at the Pan Am Pool with coaches Sham & Ethan. Full Article: Estevan Mercury
If you are an adult player then pretty much the same suggestions apply. I would definitely not recommend earthing board shorts as they drag a lot and they can also give players something to hold you back when you are stretching out for the ball.